Page 8 - November 2019 Newsletter :: Bullimores
P. 8

Bullimores Newsletter  November 2019

          What you need to know about

          becoming an executor

          Apparently, one in five people who act as executors felt   If you are an executor of a parent, sibling or friend’s will,
          they did not manage the estates according to the deceased   these are some of the things you may need to ask them
          wishes because they did not discuss it before their death.    now.

            WHAT IS THE FULL VALUE             DO THEY HAVE A FULL                HOW DO THEY
            OF THEIR ESTATE, AND IS            LIST OF ASSETS?                    WANT THEIR ESTATE
            THEIR PAPERWORK                    Knowing exactly what the person    MANAGED?
            IN ORDER?
                                               owned will make it easier to value   Consideration should be given to
            Are you certain you would be able   the estate accurately for probate   what the family as a whole wants
            to manage it when they die.        and to settle any inheritance      to do with the family home.  If
                                               taxes.  Make sure you know the     there are siblings, will one hold
            You will need the will itself,     details of solicitors, accountants   it, or will it be sold and the
            property deeds, account            and other relevant financial       proceeds split.
            numbers, passwords and logins.     advisers.  They can be helpful
            Also any life insurance policies,   in checking you have included
            investment certificates, pensions   everything when filling in the
            and trusts.  You will also need    forms you will have to complete.
            contact details of co-executors.

            WHAT SORT OF FUNERAL               WHO DO THEY WANT                   DISTRIBUTING
            WOULD THEY LIKE?                   TO LEAVE THEIR                     THE ASSETS.
                                               TREASURES TO?
            It is helpful to know if there are                                    Once the family have been
            particular wishes.  Do they want    To avoid any rows it is helpful to   given what they would like,
            a burial, cremation, donate their   have a ‘letter of wishes’ in which   the executors often resort to a
            bodies to research or check if     they can list which precious items   clearance company to dispose
            they are on the NHS Organ          and family heirlooms are meant     of the remainder.  Recently one
            Donor Register.                    for whom.                          of our clients had a day party
                                                                                  for the friends of the deceased
                                                                                  couple and asked everyone who
                                                                                  attended to take a keepsake
                                                                                  which reduced the fees to the
                                                                                  clearance company.

            ARE THEIR WILLS UP                 DO THEY HAVE A                     ARE THEY PREPARED TO
            TO DATE?                           DIGITAL LEGACY?                    PAY AN EXECUTOR?
            For example, the birth of a        It’s important to plan how to      Being an executor can involve
            new grandchild might spur          pass on access to digital assets   a great deal of work and
            grandparents to include the child   when writing a will.  For example,   responsibility, and a payment
            specifically in their wills.       having access to photos stored     clause should be written into
                                               on computer, phones and            the will.
                                               tablets.  The Digital Legacy
                                               Association has public tutorials
                                               that address the issues.

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