Page 10 - November 2019 Newsletter :: Bullimores
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Bullimores Newsletter  November 2019

          Green Thoughts

          We’re proud that Dorking is an environmentally active town.  We can always do
          more but these are recent projects that we are aware of.  Please let us know
          about any others so that we can help spread the word:

           Repair Café                                            Food Float

           1st Saturday of every month                            Selling local produce

           at Dorking Christian Centre                            every Friday and Saturday

           Community Fridge                                       Refill Mole Valley

           Redistribution of the excess                           Encouraging reduction in

           food from supermarkets,                                single use plastics

           restaurants, cafes and
           suppliers held at Dorking

           Christian Centre and

           Harvest Community Church

           Waitrose                                               Trash into Cash

           Trialing leaving packaging in                          The Grange Centre collects
           the shop                                               and sends crisp packets for


          As eco-friendly accountants we at Bullimores also take   At the end of 2018 we went paper-lite and have robust
          our social responsibilities very seriously.  In 2015 we put   sytems in place.  We also recycle our computers, print
          solar panels on our building, which besides being good   cartridges, toners, cardboard and all non-client related
          for the environment has been a good investment since   paper.  We are replacing all light bulbs with LED bulbs,
          we produce more electricity than we consume putting    including strip lights.
          it back into the National Grid – what could be more
          environmentally friendly than that!
          Since then, in 2017 we were one of the first in Dorking to
          install an electric car charging points for staff and clients,
          although we have had to draw the line at others stealing
          charge during the night!

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